Sunday, May 11, 2008

My DIVA Night [Part 2]

Where was i?
Oh yeah..

Venue: Tanahmas Hotel
So the dinner is suppose to start at 6.30pm rite? we were alamost one hour late..
Talk about getting fashionably late..
The moment we walked into the room, everyone was like looking at us.
[Diva rule learnt: Always make a grand entrance]

So the dinner started and some ppl were having speeches.. we didn't really care until we saw this..

OMFG!! Look at her hair.. i mean, who does that anymore??

I'm too lazy to remember what happened the rest of the night..
Let's just watch the pictures =]

Camwhoring in the toilet =P

Jin Ling and Freddy~

Chong Kiat the president.. Feel kinda sorry for him cuz the dinner wasnt exactly good

Our entertainment..= =
Wanted to upload the video but was lazy =P
I'll add in the youtube url soon

The girl i told u guys earlier..did her grandma did her hair for her?? Pfff..

Freddy went up onstage for karaoke session~
[Note to self: Divas dont have stage frights]

This was a completely different story..
Brian chose a song in a key he couldnt sing.. Talk about embarrassment
[Note to self: Choose a song that suits u]

Side view

Back view

Sexy rite?? I love this pic!!

Durian lovers..tsk tsk tsk


Camwhoring in the lift

Wif Brian~

Bumped into my friend~ Yandao mou??

Someone just kept using my cam to camwhore himself the whole night..
Had to check whether my cam got tiok virus or not.. LOL

= =


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