Friday, April 10, 2009

Needs to find meself sth fun

I know I haven't been updating as often nowadays. Life is just too dull.
My daily schedule
6.05am - wake up
6.40am - reach school
7.00am -school
12.45pm - choir practice
2.00pm - lunch + tv + nap
6.00pm - tv
7.00pm - shower + dinner + tv + piano + staring at the wall
10.00pm - wait for bro to go sleep so I can online + chat with msn buddy + occasionally blog + read blogs + plurk + check emails + watch youtube videos
1.00am - sleep

Yeah life's pathetic and dull..
Since my msn buddy is gonna be absent for a few days, might as well blog.
The real problem is....
What shall I blog about?
Gahhhh I'm outta ideas.

By the way, anyone seen Fast&Furious4 yet?
I thought that it was so so. Just like the previous ones.
What I hate is the cinema cutting out all the good scenes. Damn.
Not only do the cinemas do that, Astro does it too.
I was watching the Grammy award's show on Starworld last time and Katy Perry was singing I kissed a girl. What I heard was,"I kissed a **** and I liked it."
What the hell man...
Censorship ain't gonna do no help to no one.
Woot that's triple negatives! xD
Ok now I'm being lame.

A few days ago was the choir audition for the competition team.
My name wasn't called and I was kinda sad and pissed at the same time 'cause the other girl was practically screaming during audition but she got in. wth
But after I got home, the teacher called me to tell me that my name and another girl's name was left out. WTF was I being punk'd?!
Anyways there's gonna be another audition soon.
I actually feel like quitting lately. Think of all the junkfood I can devour if I quit and think of all the spare time I'll have~ Woots but I think I'm gonna stay on a bit longer. See what happens next.

Check this out.


布克梅德 said...

Here, as requested. This is the one I grabbed from the internet and used that day.
* 454 g sweet potato
* 115 g butter, softened
* 200 g white sugar (should reduce it)
* 120 ml milk
* 2 eggs
* 2 g ground nutmeg (I omitted it)
* 1 g ground cinnamon (Omitted too)
* 5 ml vanilla extract (Also omitted)
* 1 (9 inch) pie crust (Available from major recipes ^^)
1. Boil sweet potato whole in skin for 40 to 50 minutes, or until done. Run cold water over the sweet potato, and remove the skin.
2. Break apart sweet potato in a bowl. Add butter, and mix well with mixer. Stir in sugar, milk, eggs, nutmeg, cinnamon and vanilla. Beat on medium speed until mixture is smooth. Pour filling into an unbaked pie crust.
3. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 55 to 60 minutes, or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Pie will puff up like a souffle, and then will sink down as it cools.

ecinue said...


Anonymous said...

LOL @ the vid! XD