Monday, January 12, 2009

Personal goals this year

I know it's too late to write down my new year resolution now but I'm still gonna write it.
This year I wanna set some goals..

1. Lose some weight.
3kg is enuf.
Gosh I hate spm for ruining my diet.
I lost all motivation to exercise.

2. Get rid of all pimple problems.
Definitely a must on my to-do list.
After my horrible sun burn a few years ago in Kabong, my skin condition went bad to horrible.
It recovered and then got worse again cuz I couldn't control my mouth.
Stupid cheese nachos!!!

3. Make peace with everyone.
Well... not everyone.
I'll make peace with that pirate across the street but not the bitch who gave me hell in school.
Mark my words, Elizabeth Wong Siew Chuo, the evil things you did to me will come back and haunt you. Karma babehh, karma.

4. Don't trust people easily.
For self protection. I was hurt in the past because I trusted anyone who was good to me.
Will keep things to myself from now on.

5. Be less emotional.
Have to control myself from now on. I'm always pissed off at something or someone for something unimportant. Gonna have to learn that everyone makes mistakes.

6. Save up money instead of spending it.
Seriously. I have to start saving up if I wanna go travelling this year.
Anyone wanna find a part time job with me?

7. Become a better christian.
I'm not joking. LOL.
I've been straying away these past few months and I seriously need to bond with the big guy up there.

8. Improve my skills. piano, electone, ballet, vocals, drums, guitar.
Have to convince mom to let me learn violin! Yeah Form6 was just another reason for me to give me time to train my musical and dancing skills.

9. Learn to be etiquette.
LMAO. Yeah i'm going to be a lady. How? I'm gonna swear less.
Dress appropiately. Like I always do.
I've taken Blair Waldorf as a role model. LOL
If I wanna sabotage someone I'll do it gracefully and etiquettely. haha

10. Meet great friends.
I need new friends. Everyone's leaving and I can't stand being alone all the time.
I'm desperate for companion and I don't want to hang out with people who are younger than me all the time. Makes me look old. Don't get me wrong. Kids nowadays are very mature but then so am I. LOL I need a new bff.

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