Sunday, August 31, 2008

HI-Y Dinner 2008

Why is it called Hi-Y anyway?
Which idiot came up with the name.. = =

Venue : Paramount Hotel
Time : 6.30pm

I arrived on time and there was no one there.. Typical Sibu people.

So i went to the toilet to camwhore.
Typical me.
Went outside to wait for Els.
Got bored and took pictures of the sky.
We proceeded to our plans..
That means more camwhoring.
We went the the highest floor of the hotel... take pictures!!!
That's our tradition..

Wearing a black vintage dress. Get this, my mom bought it.
I know i know, my mom has better taste than urs.
(To Yang, i couldnt find a trashbag afterall..)
Stomach starts to grumble..
We went down to the party..

Lol i'm not even a Hi-y member.

Suddenly my diva radar started to tick!
Aha!! That only means one thing.
Freddy's there.
Cool Els
The members started talking...
That's when i noticed..
Never heard of food?

Fashion police!!!
I just wanted to yank the bow of her neck!!
Moving on.
Us taking pictures with cute Ian.
Ahh.. If only he was older than me..
Ian, stop playing with your food!!
Apparently some vips come to this kinda shitty dinners..
Don't ask me who he is. I don't know myself.

Here's the part where everyone's dying to see.
Fashion show starts. (I'm not in it)
1st part begins..
and what better way to start off than to see the divas walking out.
This girl below used to work with me once. Fierce walker.
Who does a lala pose on a runway?????
1st part ends..
Got bored. Camwhored. So did the girl behind me.
2nd part continues..
Jin Ling so suave.
Check this out. My friends told me that this guy is a hairstylist.
I guess hairstylists also have bad hair days too..

Cute newbies
Favourite picture of the night..
What the hell is he doing??!! LMAO
Waitress thinks she's a better walker than everyone.
So diao.
In sibu.. Really?
This woman kept scowling at our table cuz we were talking and laughing to loudly..
Keep looking lady!
I paid RM15 and i'm gonna enjoy myself !!
Lucky draw starts.
Didn't get anything but my friend's sister did.
You lucky bitch.
Gonna spare the other details..
The night ended by lots of camwhoring..

I'm taller than Ian!!
Me with Katrina.
In the lobby waiting for ride.
Els trying to get a ride home.

The night didn't suck so badly as i thought.. but i'm not gonna do this anytime soon.
So Chieng Jiun, you wanna invite my to Jaycee installation??

My answer to you is..


Anonymous said...

HI-Y club is the general name for special teen-age and youth clubs sponsored by the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA). The clubs try to help young people develop their highest mental, physical, social, and spiritual potentials.

ecinue said...

Oh ok.. But most teenagers i know join the club just to get marks so that they can easily get into college. =]
Just so you know.